How to Cook Tasty Sweet Baked Potato
Sweet Baked Potato . You can cook Sweet Baked Potato using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Sweet Baked Potato You need 2 of med sweet potato. Prepare 1/3 cup of brown sugar. You need 1/2 stick of butter. It's of 2 tblsp sirup. Prepare of 1 cup small marshmallows. You need of 1/3 cup Bacon bits. Prepare of Tsp cinnamon. Sweet Baked Potato step by step Wash sweet potatoes thoroughly and poke holes with fork in middle and ends. To make them quick place potatoes in a microwave safe plastic container, I use a microwave rice cooker, pour a tblsp of water, cover and cook for 12 to 15 min. I had time on my hands so I did them in the oven and cooked for 45 min covered with foil.. One sweet potatoes are done, iSlice open in middle and mash with fork. Separate the butter In two and apply inside potatoes. Sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon on potatoe...