Sports Vision Training Near Me
Sports vision training works on improving the visual abilities of an athlete that are most necessary for excellence in their sport. The training programs are tailored specifically to the athlete's baseline skill level. Precor AMT100i Experience Series Adaptive Motion Trainer Peters also uses his more than 20 years of experience in sports vision care to offer therapy to help athletes in golf, soccer and tennis. Sports vision training near me . We depend on our vision to help u s learn, to drive our car safely, to perform in sports, and just to feel good. United, the washington nationals, the baltimore ravens, d.c. Ask your eye doctor for a referral. Training for the brain to process the field of vision and visual stimuli more efficiently. Provide some basic sports and performance vision services, education and training (e.g., ensure that their patients are trained to properly wear appropriate sports safe eyewear). In some cases, ophthalmologists who provide lasik or oth...