Psa Tests
A PSA test measures the amount of PSA in the blood. The prostate-specific antigen PSA test is a blood test. Pin On All About Men S Health Most of the PSA that the prostate produces is released into this. Psa Tests . The PSA test can be useful for detecting prostate cancer monitoring its treatment or assessing its recurrence. Tests that combine different types of PSA. For this test a blood sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis. But your PSA level can also be raised in prostate conditions that are not cancer are benign or if. PSA 10 is lower than men limit of PSA but is still not a cancer marker. Not all men diagnosed with prostate cancer require immediate treatment as many men with low-risk cancers can safely be monitored with a strategy called active surveillance. A prostate-specific antigen PSA test measures the level of PSA in your blood. Although a raised PSA level does not always mean you have cancer you may still need more tests such as a. Doctors use P...